Project Description
BTzLL ResidenceThis large residence on a site whose terracing terrain rises 7 metres from front to rear is a multi-generational home conceived for a couple and the families of their 3 grown up children. Expressed as meticulously proportioned and exquisitely detailed pavilions in a refined modern resort setting, 3 building blocks articulated with gently pitched roofs lightly joined with each other through minimalist flat roofed connections are laid out in a `C’-shape arrangement around an expansive garden.
Fronting the quiet street is the Main Living and Guest Facility block, with the block housing the children’s duplex apartments set perpendicularly behind it. Occupying the vantage position towards the rear of the rectangular site is the Master’s and Family Recreation block.
All 3 buildings open into the generous open-sided courtyard dominated by a 30-metre long swimming pool and a pristine lawn anchored by a grove of sculptural flowering trees. A 3.7-metre wide verandah functions as a covered pool deck along the entire length of the pool, and also serves as the activity and circulation spine that links all 3 blocks.